I became passionate about the advocacy of plant medicine and specifically psilocybin, having personally experienced its positive healing and transformational effects on my own mental and physical health and addiction recovery.
DECERIMCA.ORG MISSION is to promote research and education concerning the healing and consciousness expanding nature of the chemical compounds found naturally in psilocybin mushrooms and to support a campaign to put a ballot initiative before the voters of California for their decriminalization and build the framework for eventual legalization.

Did you know that professional fighters experience TBI (traumatic brain injuries) in a third of all fights? This is why I have partnered up with Unlimited Sciences, a psychedelic research nonprofit, as they launch the first ever study to research psychedelic medicine for traumatic brain injuries in elite athletes, soldiers and others who have suffered TBI.
TBI is a sleeping giant that affects not only professional athletes, but also a vast number of veterans and solders and I am dedicated to helping find a cure. Repeated traumatic brain injuries (TBI) cause chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a neurodegenerative disease, whose symptoms include suicidality, memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, parkinsonism, and, eventually, progressive dementia.
Compelling evidence has shown that psychedelics such as psilocybin create new neural pathways and neurogenesis in the brain, presenting possible solutions for TBI and even CTE.

I am passionate about supporting the movement born as a response to the stigma in our society about the use of psychoactive plants and therapy-assisted psychedelics. I believe in our right to use these substances for personal and collective healing without being exposed to stigma and discrimination.